January 2007

by Celia Fenn

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January 23rd : Here is a beautiful image of the Comet taken from Cape Town. I still have not managed to see it myself, despite having a look yesterday. But, well, this is what it looks like!

cometct.jpg Since I was given the information about the "spiritual pole shift" and the opening of the planetary Crown Chakra over Antarctica, and the information about "Atlantis Syndrome", I began to think and wonder. I thought about our Ascension process that has been ongoing for about ten years now, and I though about our expectations for and about Ascension. I began to wonder if, maybe, just maybe, we are all "looking the wrong way" right now.

At this point, Archangel Michael came through and we had an exchange in which he posed several questions for my consideration.

Well, he said, suppose that what you know about Atlantis and the fall of Atlantis has been distorted by the intense guilt and trauma still felt around the loss and destruction of the continent? What if, the priestly classes, or the Lightworkers of that time, had been unable to hold the Collective Consciousness stable in the grids through the period of "inner Pole Shift", much like we are experiencing now? And what if that "failure" traumatized the plantary Collective Consciousness to such an extent that it became wounded and needed to keep playing out its failures in endless wars and catastrophes and disasters. What if, humans developed religions based on fear and guilt and sin and suffering, and a "vengeful" God, as a way of coping with this deep trauma. And what if that is the energy that we are clearing now? What if the much vaunted "dark forces" are nothing more than the fear and trauma around this "failure" playing itself out over and over as humans seek a way to project blame for their failure to hold the energy in the grids steady through this shift into the next cycle? What if, before that time, only peace and love were known on Earth?

Now, these ideas, suggested by Archangel Michael, seemed to make sense to me. I have always felt Atlantis to have been a place of Light and Joy, a beautiful civilization connected to the Cetaceans. But, then , what if truly their only "fault" was that they were not strong enough or spiritually mature enough to hold the grids through the changes? What if fear entered their souls for the first time, and they faltered, and then the grids began to disintegrate? What if, we have spent a whole cycle of evolution learning to cope with the fear that enters our souls, and learning how not to fall into that fear but to hold the Light?

What if - We are Them and They are Us, and in this Quantum Universe of many possibilities, we are being given the chance to make another choice and change the path of Earth's evolution so that fear and violence and aggression will not exist, maybe will never have existed because we will carry the Collective to the next level. What if we have more maturity and wisdom right now, more strength and resilience. What if we have healed the past and are moving the Collective through this shift into a Golden future?

It seems to me that most of the channelled material that is coming out now is saying that we must be calm and strong and empowered and hold our energy no matter what. And yes, maybe this is the reason.

Then, Archangel Michael posed another question, What if Atlantis did not "sink beneath the waves", but sank to the "bottom" of the planet, figuratively speaking, as the grids fractured.

Well, what if Antarctica is Atlantis, and that in order for Atlantis to rise again, the ice must melt slowly and gradually, without any great trauma? What if "global warming" is a predetermined sequence that will allow the planet to balance, and for Atlantis to "rise" again as a magical and sacred continent, healed of its trauma. Maybe this is one of our primary Ascension miracles. What if the creation of a Global Paradise requires that we "heal" our trauma around our Atlantis "failures", and , as a Collective, cease our need to keep playing out our catastrophic "end game" over and over again. Maybe this will enable us to end our violence and aggression and accept the love and peace at our Heart Core and to live that Truth instead.

I remembered two things at that point. Firstly, about five years ago there was a book called When the Sky Fell by Rand and Rose Flem-Ath, that argued pretty convincingly that Antarctica was indeed ancient Atlantis, and that Pole Shift was probably the trauma that created the ice mantle over the continent.

Secondly, when I first began serious Ascension work in 2001, I began to have vivid "aural" dreams in which I would hear the grating high pitched and discordant sounds of a planetary grid disintegrating. I would know that the grids were fracturing and that I was going to die. I would wake up in a panic state. So, what if this ancient memory lies behind much of the Collective Ascension symptoms that we are experiencing. These include deep anxiety, depression, anger, exhaustion, diarrhea, dizziness etc, all symptoms of trauma, post traumatic stress disorder on a planetary scale maybe, and electromagnetic disturbance.

And, what if the symptoms will not cease when we "get there", wherever there is, but when we can clear the trauma by bringing it into consciousness and FORGIVING ourselves for our past failure. This can strengthen us as we carry the Collective Consciousness through this shift. And, believe me, we are getting it righ this time. We have carried the Collective through almost ten years of deep and turbulent change. The worst is over. True, we are now in that very dark place just before dawn. But the dawn is there - the Light shines through on the horizon.

And so, as Atlantis rises from its ice shroud and is once more integrated into the plantary consciousness and reality, we can free ourselves of our guilt and trauma, and we can move to the next stage of our evolution without fear and violence.

We will enter a New Earth. We are birthing a new consciousness right now!

And yes - what if this is the Great Shift in the Collective Consciousness that will happen at this time? Maybe this is the message heralded by Comet McNaught?

Well, it is something to think about as we move through these changes in a powerful, calm and strong way!

January 20th Well, with the Sun moving into Aquarius today, and opposing Saturn in Leo, things are becoming a little turbulent and unsettled. Add to that volatile mixture, Comet McNaught entering the Southern hemisphere after its transit of the Sun...and well....whew....did any of you notice?

cometsouth.jpg Here is an absolutely beautiful image of the comet over Auckland, New Zealand, taken by Jamie Newman. Well, as I mentioned earlier in this Log, the Southern hemisphere is now a powerful place, focussed directly towards the Galactic Center and streaming in powerful energies from the Great Central sun. What I am told by my guidance is ocurring right now, is a kind of magnetic "push and shove" as the old magnetic energies are bumped around by the tremendous flow of highly charged particles and atoms flowing from the Sun into the new crystalline grids,( a recent Solar wind), and the turbulent energy set off by the passing Comet.

If we, as a planetary culture, were more "in tune" with the importance of the energetic shifts and movements in our galaxy and our Solar system, we would have a better understanding of the Spiritual and Emotional effects such events have on us. It is not "business as usual" and "oh, gee, what a nice comet!". There are powerful forces out there that are moving and shifting our world and how we perceive it right now.

Now, as I mentioned before, these are not negative, as was thought before in our history. But they will be turbulent. Have you ever seen the backwash from a jet engine? Well, imagine that magnified billions of times, and the Earth is experiencing that backwash and will be, now, and in the months to come.

Yes, that means that it will become even more turbulent and chaotic, and yes, we will need to hold our center and not go into panic and anxiety. Now, more than ever before, the Collective Consciousness is relying on us to be the anchor of Peace and Calm in the storm. The storm will buffet all around us. Our choice is to either be buffeted around by the storm, or to be that place of strength and quiet calm that we have been trained for. All that "work" that we have done on ourselves that we called "healing", was actually to make us strong and clear enough to carry the Collective Consciousness through this great "birthing" and into the New Earth. The work was not for us alone, but for us to be those who serve humanity and, through our own quiet strength and focus, are able to keep the energies of the Collective Consciousness focussed and on track for the the next step.

But, in order to do this, we need to be aware of what I call "Atlantis Syndrome". Whenever the magnetic energies become unstable and erratic, as they are now, your inner being, let's call it the "subconscious" picks up "danger signals" and does a quick check through the DNA library to see what this is all about. It goes BACKWARDS into the past and encounters the fall of Atlantis and violent change caused by climate change and rising oceans. And so, panic sets in on many levels, some conscious, some unconscious. And I believe this applies to all living beings, not just humans, animals and birds and insects feel it too.

The way I deal with "Atlantis syndrome" is not to go into fear and panic, but to calmly tell my subconscious that we are moving forward into a new future. That what will come will be glorious and beautiful and miraculous. On no account, do I allow myself to join the old energy stream of consciousness that is indeed going backwards and trying to drag humanity backwards into war, chaos and destruction. When you understand that so much of the violence and fear on the Planet today is just a manifestation of very old fears arising in the psyche, then we can quietly release those fears and move into the calm and loving future being manifested by the Crystal Beings, children and adults, Lightworkers and those of the Angelic and Celstial realms whose work is to guide the FORWARD evolution on human consciousness.

So, remember every day that you are Masters of Light and that you are trained Spiritual Warriors. You are moving even now into your chosen Communties of Light and Groups of Mastery and Power. Use these nodes of Light as places of Calm and Power. Support each other and Love each other and notice when one of you falls over or becomes weak. You are a "tribe", and each one must care for and love and support all the others. Those who are strong must carry those who are weaker, and when you feel weak, reach out and let those who are strong carry you for a while. This is the way forward for all of you. Love and Support. Unconditionally and with purity of Heart.

And so, back to the Comet. Well, its clearly visible here in Cape Town. People are talking about it. I feel like the only person who hasn't seen it yet.I live at sea level, in a house surrounded by trees. The sun goes down behind the trees, and so I cannot see either the sunset or the comet. I am going to have to make an effort to be somewhere higher up to be able to actually see it clearly. I am told it is spectacular - a real "show" from the Heavens!

January13th: Here's another take on the Pole Shift story. A few people on the "World of Souls" community suggested that the Pole Shift might be an internal event rather than a literal event. Well, maybe its a bit of both.

As I was sitting working yesterday at my desk, my Guidance asked me to pick up the globe of the world that I have on my desk and turn it upside down. "Now, they said, what do you see?" Well, I saw Antarctica and the Southern Ocean, and that was about it. It was like looking at a pristine water planet. They smiled: "Now are you beginning to get it?". Oh yes, I began to see. The magnetic shifts and fluctuations that we are experiencing internally are related to this shift of the planet's magnetics. The new Crystalline Grid system has "reversed" the Planet's Chakra system. Antarctica is now the Crown Chakra. The Southern Ocean, the domain of my friends the Southern Right Whales, is now the Sacred Space of the New Earth.

It made sense. I remembered two things. Firstly, this time last year, when the process began, there was an "anomaly" over the South Pole that no one could explain. I remember even seeing photos taken by NASA. Then, I remember one of the channels I did with Archangel Michael in which he mentioned great changes in the Southern Ocean that would affect the entire planet. Now, I was told, the anomaly was the beginnings of the new magnetic vortex that would form the Earth's Crown Chakra. And, I was also told that although there would be magnetic instability on the planet, there would be no great disasters in this shift. The shift was being achieved through the transformations and changes within all living beings, and especially lightworkers who were acting as "keepers" of the Earth's new grids as part of their "duties" on the 9th Dimension. Archangel Michael had spoken about this as well.

I was also shown the "ring" around the planet at 30 degrees south, and told that all the countries that fell within this ring would be part of the new "Brow Chakra" and would be responsible for "flowing" the energy that descended from the Galactic Center through the Southern Crown and into the Planet's Grids. I also remembered, in December, getting a mail from a friend in Canada who is very intuitive, insisting that working with the whales and dolphins was very important now! I didn't see the connection then, but I do now. Thanks, Gordon, for the information. The whales and dolphins of the Southern Oceans, together with all their families on the planet, are right now working to hold and direct the new energies that flow through this new chakra and into the planet. The Divine Feminine energies are streaming from the Galactic Heart through this portal and the whales and dolphins are the "priests and priestesses" who are receiving the energies in their Oceanic Temples of Light.

This light then is transmitted vis the Crystal grids to the emerging brow chakra countries - Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, Chile, Argentina and South Africa.

Well, as the Earth's temperature continues to balance out and the poles melt and the global climate becomes more temperate, the continent of Antarctica will emerge from its long sleep as a continent pristine and cleansed. But, humans will not be allowed to migrate there. Our grandchildren, in whose time this will happen, will be wise enough to know that this is a sacred land, and only those who go to serve the planet and work in Spiritual communities will be allowed to live there as guardians and keepers along with the Whales and Dolphins.

Also, I was shown that the melting waters will not deluge the Earth and cause destruction, as previously thought. The Earth is an organic system able to modulate its elements, and not just a mechanical "bathtub" that will overflow. It has only just recently become known that water enters the planet all the time in the form of "cosmic ice balls" and these enter the Oceans, but this does not cause rising levels or flooding. The Earth knows how to work with the elementals to ensure that she stays balanced. It will all take place according to Divine Will and with love and care.

Of course, no one has really paid much attention to these wonderous events, we have all been fixated on the Middle East and the War in Iraq. As the media wishes us to be. The increase in violence and the desire to escalate the war is a way of ensuring that everyone is "looking the other way" and that no one really sees the miracles and the shifts. As long as people are kept in fear and uncertainty, then the forward spiritual evolution can be slowed, but not halted. If more of us wake up and see the media manipulation for what it is, we might also see the miracles that are happening in other places on the Planet.

After I was shown this information, I tried consciously aligning my crown chakra with Antarctica, and I was amazed at how much better I felt. The energy flowed and I felt a sense of space and light. I think what happens with us, on a daily basis, is that we fluctuate between 3D and magnetic north, and 5D and Spiritual "North", which is now the South Pole. I think the Earth does the same. I think at some time, in the near future, maybe even before 2012, the Earth will settle into her new Spiritual Grid patterns. And we will too, and then, I guess, we will all feel much better!

Well, it is something to think about!

cometm2.jpg Here is a beautiful image of visiting Comet McNaught. I loved this image, from, because of the combination of the image of the hunting hawk at sunset with the comet. The hawk is a potent shamanic symbol of the male power of the Divine Masculine, and I like to see this image as celebrating the return of the "complete" Divine Masculine energy to the planet.

I know in the old Earth there is a tradition that sees comets as harbingers of bad news and tragedy. I don't. This is the New Earth, a place of Love and Joy, and the Comet is here as a Celestial Celebration.I read too that Comet McNaught is the brightest comet in thirty years. I remember that the Solar Flare in December was also called the brightest flare in thirty years. So, I thought back thirty years - to 1977. This was the time when the first wave of Indigos arrived, and the Earth began to prepare herself for Ascension. So, it seems like we are on the threshold of another major shift in Consciousness, maybe powered this time by the Crystal children in partnership with all those Lightworkers who are holding the energy of change for the Planet, and our Cetacean friends and allies.

And something to look forward to, again from the Spaceweather site: "In the days ahead, Comet McNaught will slice across the scene, tail in full view, making a close encounter with Mercury on Jan. 14th. When comets get close to the sun, they vaporize furiously. Sunlight illuminates gas and dust boiling off the comet, making a very bright display. Comet McNaught is now the brightest comet since Ikeya-Seki in 1965, and soon it may be visible even in broad daylight. Stay tuned! "'s to "Pole Shift" and Comet the Whales and All of Us....and to the Increasing Love and Radiance of the New Earth!

January 9th: Thank you to all of you who responded so positively to yesterday's "Earth Log" entry. A special thank you to Jeanine DuBois of the site. Jeaninine, a Biofield therapist, has noted that the symptoms associated with the shift are very similar to those of folic acid deficiency: "If we are evolving and our DNA is changing, it makes sense that, just like a pregnant mother, we need more folic acid right now! I myself tested quite low on folic acid when I asked my kinesiologist to check me for it. (I asked because my nails are still chipping and my hair is still falling out too much, but now I see a much larger connection.) Feel free to share this with others who might be having similar experiences (symptoms) and want to check into whether they, too, are needing greater quantities than usual of folic acid."

If you would like to learn more you can go to Jeanine's site at

As I was reading around the net this morning, I was struck by how "stuck" we do seem to be as a Collective when it comes to catastrophe scenarios. Most of the recent disaster theories quote either "science" or the theory of "cycles" as proof that we are entering a catastrophic cycle and that we should prepare ourselves for the worst.

Well, my response would be that most "science" still operates on the level of Newtonian physics, where the Earth and the Cosmos are seen as a grand impersonal machine with very little connection between the various components. This is the view held by my neighbour, an educated man with a Masters degree in Electrical Engineering, whose father was a full university professor. I was talking to him about the scientific NASA data on the solar flares in December, and his response was that this would not affect us at all here on Earth. I remember thinking, how could it not affect us? But then, I work from a Quantum, post Einstein, approach, where everything is connected and everything affects everything else. I see the Earth as a conscious, living being that is part of us and us of her, and that she cares for us and would not want us to be harmed. We have a contract with the Earth to be here, and her contract is to support us and nurture us. True, we may not be carrying out our part of the contract to nurture her as well as we could, but I still know that the Earth will not do anything that will cause complete catastrophe. In the past, the Earth could allow quite major shifts without major harm to sentient life, because ther planet was not that heavily populated. But now, we are a planet populated by billions of life forms, and the Earth knows that we must be nurtured and supported.

The idea of "cycles" of events on Earth also draws on a mechanistic theory, in which cycles endlessly repeat themselves. I accept the idea of cycles or spirals, but I feel that they take us to higher and different levels of experience. We don't just keep going back to the same spot again and again, unless of course, we choose to keep repeating the same cycles over and over again. My feeling, based on the channels I have done with Archangel Michael, is that we just don't know what will unfold in this new cycle, in this new place and time. No one does. It will be like nothing before - and nothing in the past is any preparation for where we are going. So, to look back in fear is no real way to go into the future.

It is true that we are living in a difficult times, and the chaos and stress is great at this time. But the essence of Spirituality is learning to live in the NOW. To focus on this moment and living to the best of your ability in the present moment without expectations and demands. For, in the quantum theory of holographic time, the linear concepts of "past" and "future" are not significant. Everything is enfolded into the "now", and everything is within you at this very moment. How you live now, and the choices that you make now, will determine the unfolding of your being in that place you call the "future".

I know that everyone is different, but I have found one of the very best ways of being completely in the Now moment is to work in a garden. Just being present with the sun and the wind and the elementals and nataure spirits has a wonderful healing and grounding energy. Starchild is working with creating a "magic garden" for the children at our soup kitchen project. It is surrounded by a road on one side, squatter camps on two sides and a government clinic on the other. It is quite a challenge, but slowly we are bringing the nature spirits back. Someone who used to live in the area told me there used to be a river there, and so I can imagine that enfolded within that peice of land is a history of fairies and elementals that we can call back for the crystal children of 2007. There is something so magical about seeing the bees and the butterflies and the birds coming back to this piece of land, once again, as we care for it and nurture it.

Finally, I notice that when I draw a card for myself from the Angel Cards, I often draw a card that says EXPECT A MIRACLE. Yes, indeed, it is our choice! If we expect negative events and disasters, then we will probably create and experience them. If we expect a miracle - then these current shifts and tranformations can produce MIRACLES. I don't know about you, but I am lining up on the side of Miracles!

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January 8th: The Earth is in the process of recalibrating her energies after the massive infusion of light that streamed into the Collective Consciousness in December. This adjustment process is being experienced on the individual and the planetary levels.

Individually, it seems that the subtle bodies are realigning at the HEART CHAKRA level, to allow for the powerful flows of the incoming Twin Flame energy. I would call this an "expansion" of the Heart Chakra. Many people have noticed that old friends and lovers are returning now, and seem to be more open and loving, allowing for reconciliations and more loving connections to be formed. It is as if the heart has expanded to make place for these relationships, where there was no place before. The energy of LOVE is flowing more strongly, and there is also a deep sense of PEACE available right now, a deep inner peace that was not available before.

But, as we adjust as a Collective, we are experiencing the symptoms of electromagnetic disturbance in our own energy fields as individuals. These include dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, sleeplessness, exhaustion and joint pains. Also heart palpitations may be experienced as the heart adjusts. Some people report strong emotional symptoms of anxiety, loneliness, depression and feeling completely "lost" or "stuck". My advice is not to take it personally, it is a Collective adjustment that is being experienced individually.

Humans are learning to function as a Collective, and those Lightworkers who have taken on the work of holding the 9th dimension of Earth stewardship, will certainly feel any changes and adjustments in the Earth's Collective consciousness. These lightworkers are more sensitive to these changes becasue that is their work, to flow with the changes in light and energy and to help the Collective to adjust and stabilize. I can only suggest that is you feel these shifts, try to stay grounded and rest. Don't push yourself or your body at this time. Be centered and peaceful and loving, and all will balance out again.

The planet herself is experiencing this recalibration, and we can all feel it in the climate shifts and adjustments. In the Northern hemisphere it has been unusually warm in many places, with spring flowers and blossoms appearing in December and January. In the USA, while there have been intense winter storms in the Plains areas, on the East side of the continent it has not snowed at all. Here in the Southern hemisphere we are also experiencing climate fluctuations. Although this is the middle of summer and it is usually extremely dry and hot where I live, everything is still green and about ten days ago we had a cold front and rain for several days. Today was also cool to cold, and by 8pm I was so cold that I crawled into bed with my winter pajamas and a warm blanket.

There is no doubt that the Earth is changing and that we are changing. Gradually, and as gently as possible, from day to day, without major traumas or cataclysms. What I find disturbing right now is that many people are once again going into the fear and anxiety mode of "Pole Shifts" and "catastrophe". This seems sad to me. We are entering a new phase of development, and I for one don't want to be returned to "Go", which seems to be the same place where we were in 2000. So much has changed, so much has happened, please don't allow yourself to be dragged back into "calamity" mode, otherwise all the ascension work of the last six years will be lost and humans will continue to be "stuck" and held back in their evolution. The spiritual litmus test must surely be, if it evokes fear and anxiety, then it is not about Love and it is not about our forward evolution. It is time to take a great step forward....not backwards!

And, finally, one of the "causes" of the electromagnetic disturbances that we are feeling, apart from the Solar waves, may be the presence of Comet McNaught as it transits the Earth's vicinity quite close by the Sun. This image shows how close the Comet is, and visible with the naked eye in some places. This image is from the site.



